About me

About me


Your quest for more demands a lot of energy from you! And your body? Your system is ready to jump in with both feet. It’s time to unlock your full potential.

This is the story of how I discovered my mission. I went from seeking external validation in a Silicon Valley company to becoming a mental health coach at peace with myself. I started an online business where I didn’t have to sacrifice my own needs and desires, my energy, or my happiness.

Hey, I am Jana

I empower companies and individuals to facilitate a healthy lifestyle and work environment through MENTAL HEALTH that allows for peak performance and top well-being. I am a mental health coach, former strategy consultant and corporate venturing expert, entrepreneur, speaker, world traveller and personal development addict.

I come from a working-class family in a medium-size German town where everyone works for a large chemical company except me. In the truest sense, people never leave this place. I am the first person in my family to ever attend university, and yet I graduated from the prestigious University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. I was bullied in school and never really had good, honest friends, so it wasn’t hard to leave my country for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. But it was hard to get the finances together! I had several scholarships and worked a few student jobs at the same time. I worked long shifts while my fellow wealthier students partied hard!

After graduating, I finally got my long-desired dream job as a strategy consultant. But before that, a number of rejections pulled the rug out from underneath me because my self-esteem and self-respect were literally non-existent. I thought I had it made when the spiral through hell was just beginning! Don’t get me wrong; the consulting school was the best thing that could have happened to me, but I suffered greatly, not only mentally but physically too!

One day, after a very intense project, travelling the world for client meetings, and being jet lagged and oh-so lonely, I realised that I was giving so much energy and time to my job that I totally neglected every other part of my life. I had been kicked out of all the ‘after work’ WhatsApp groups because I had no life beyond work. I was single; obviously, I had literally no friends other than my co-workers, and even worse, I had no one to really look up to. I learned that so many of my colleagues were struggling with constant stress, relationship issues, weight and fitness, sleep, self-care and self-love. The company partners once inspired me, but I no longer felt that way. I didn’t want to make that trade-off between success and well-being. I wanted my own definition of happiness.

I decided to go into science instead. I got out of the consulting wheel. But no surprise; I lived the same story from a different perspective. Everything was about proving myself to others, prestige, perfectionism, and running after the next best thing. In the meantime, my personal development journey was beginning. I got a coach to solve my ‘non-existent boyfriend problem” as I believed that would be the most efficient way to fix that issue. I was looking for a shortcut. But I quickly found myself working on my own self-love through many more years of therapy and coaching by Tony Robbins, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Marissa Peer, who trained me to be a certified hypnotherapist working with the subconscious mind. That’s what I do today!

I can only laugh at myself because I had a hard time taking the leap to spend 1500 EUR on a coach. Today, I easily invest more than 15000 EUR in my business and myself several times each year.


My zone of genius! This is where I combine the world of business, the language of personal development and the field of mental health to serve both companies and individuals. I serve executives willing to invest in the mental health of their employees, and individuals who are highly motivated, committed and self-confident, calling for someone they can relate to, to provide a scientifically proven, profound solution to fast track them to top performance and premium well-being.

I am passionate about empowering individuals working in high-performance environments to experience career success with a strong foundation of psychological and physiological well-being. My goal is to foster a company culture from the top down, where everyone’s potential is unlocked through mental health support and optimization.

In my work, I combine my personal experience of working under high-pressure, high- responsibility and high-stress environments with a background as a former strategy consultant, corporate investor, and researcher at the University of St. Gallen. I’m also a certified hypnotherapist.

My signature offer is the ‘Next Level Work’ Mastermind, a 7-week interactive, holistic and in-depth workshop series on mental health in the workplace. I also offer on-demand, hands-on workshops on mental health topics, as well as keynote speeches and speaker talks/panel discussions online and in-person. I do this in a variety of cultural settings, with a particular focus on providing simple but highly effective, science-based tools for everyday (work) life.

For those who want freedom, satisfaction, and peace, and to live every day to the fullest with energy, passion and motivation to do it all again tomorrow, have developed the instant transformation program: Next Level Now! This is where you can really step into the next level.

For those who want to finally feel comfortable in their bodies again, eat with ease, be carefree and stress-free, exercise regularly, feel more attractive and confident in their own skin, and enjoy life to the fullest – as their true self – I have developed the instant transformation program Next Level Me. This includes a very special module that allows you to upgrade your mind through 1:1 hypnotherapy. Realize your wellness journey in the shortest possible time without pain and suffering.

On special request, I offer VIP 1:1 coaching for subconscious work on your chosen topic of concern.

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